Friday, January 05, 2007

Baha'i Blog Portal

This is from an email from a friend of mine named David:

"Some of the most popular websites these days, like and, constantly update themselves with the newest stories, blog entries, and videos. We're trying to create a Baha'i version of this. The House appointed Baha'i Internet Agency has identified individual Baha'i generated content like blogs as a great, untapped teaching tool. Baha'is all over the world are producing great blogs, podcasts, videos, pictures and websites and we're trying to create a dynamic portal to make it all easily accessible and searchable...and we need your help.

Go over to to vote on your favorite look for the website, but more importantly if you have a blog take a minute to register it, and pass this [message] on to any Baha'i bloggers you know."

1 comment:

Alex said...

It's an interesting idea, but the code and the design both need some serious work. Have you looked at the source?