Wednesday, March 08, 2006

New Year's Bike Ride

In attempt to deliver some updates on my life since my blog went dark, let me first remind you all to come to the Insights Young Adults conference (see my last post). I am helping to plan it, but maybe I shouldn't tell you that, as some of you will no doubt impute that my involvement is a legitimate excuse to avoid Bosch and the Santa Cruz area entirely. Wrong I say! The conference will be fabulous...

Anyhow, enough digression. These are photos of a bike ride that I went on with Kasra, a very good friend of mine, in the rural outskirts of rural Davis, California. This was New Year's weekend and the torrential downpour almost overran the levies in Sacramento, which we are told, are the second most flood prone after New Orleans. Photos couresty of Kasra Eliasieh.