Saturday, February 03, 2007

Scientists dispel global warming doubts

The evidence for climate change caused by fossil fuel combustion was “unequivocal”, said the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a body comprising 2,500 climate experts convened by the UN. The Financial Times editorial page makes an interesting point (especially in light of the Bahai principle of the unity of mankind): "This is a huge, long-term and global challenge that involves difficult questions of justice both within and across generations. Humanity’s ability to address it is a test of its capacity to manage the consequences of its own actions. So far it has failed. It can afford to do so no longer." Read the editorial here.

1 comment:

Nasim Mullen said...

It's true, global environmental problems transcend national lines. As the world is forced to face these problems, we'll begin to realize that the national borders are nothing more than lines drawn on paper...