Monday, August 18, 2008

Coffee = Happiness

A recent article on coffee in the NY Times debunks various coffee myths and highlights the beverage's health benefits. I'll give you a little summary:

-Coffee is a diuretic.
-Coffee causes hypertension.
-Coffe causes cancer.
-Coffee causes bone loss.

-"An improved sense of well-being, happiness, energy, alertness and sociability".
-"For the active, caffeine enhances endurance in aerobic activities and performance in anaerobic ones."
-Lower risk of Parkinson's disease and Type 2 diabetes.

Yes! Yet another reason to enjoy a cup at Ritual!


kbb said...

finally i won't have to carry my latte around in a paper bag, know what i'm sayin!

Nabil said...

this is great. i dont know about the whole diuretic thing though. and word to the "improved sense of well-being".